Adorate Dominum In Atrio Sancto Eius - AD 1777

Learning Support

Learning Support and SNA Rooms

Most students, at some point in their school career, need a little help in an area that they are finding difficult. Our support system is inclusive of all our students, regardless of any additional educational need. Our 4 SNAs work diligently with students who need a 'catch up' due to illness, absence, or simply an inability to access an area of the curriculum.

Our Learning Support department works closely with the lead and mainstream teacher to help each student under their care. A large emphasis on Team Teaching in classes is held throughout our junior curriculum so students have access to a teacher if they find themselves falling behind, struggling to understand a chapter or need to work in small groups.

Dec 02
Drop everything and CBA (2nd Year)
Jan 06
School reopens
Jan 13
1st Year PTM
Jan 27
Senior Cycle Information Night (for 3rd & 4th Years)
Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
RCN 20013073
© 2024 Rockford Manor School