Adorate Dominum In Atrio Sancto Eius - AD 1777

After School Study & Homework Club

After School Study & Homework Club

After School Study

Supervised Study is available in the school every evening Monday to Thursday for 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th years.

Students in exam years are strongly advised to avail of this service.

We are very fortunate to have a fine Study Hall which remains silent at all to times to encourage effective use of study time.

Attendance at supervised study is strictly monitored. Please note that preference is given to students in exam years.

Times: 3:40 - 5:30 Monday to Thursday.

For further information please contact the office.

This year payment is on a half term basis of 90 Euro. This is paid through the school app.

Homework Club

Homework Club is for 1st years. It is a place where the 1st year cohort of students can sit together and complete their homework in school.

It is supervised by our friendly and helpful SNAs. We provide this service free of charge for our 1st years to help them with the transition into post primary.

Feedback from our students shows that this introduction into after school study / homework club helped the students socialise, get organised and prepare for the many different subjects.

Times: 3:30 - 4:30 Monday to Thursday

Aug 22
Return to School 1st Years & Senior Prefects
Aug 23
Preparation Day 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th/LCA 8:45 - 11:00
Aug 26
Classes as Normal 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th/LCA 8:45-12pm
Aug 27
Classes as normal - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th/LCA 8:45-1pm
Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
RCN 20013073
© 2024 Rockford Manor School