Adorate Dominum In Atrio Sancto Eius - AD 1777

Transition Year

Transition Year

In Transition Year we encourage all students to challenge themselves, to grow in maturity, confidence and independence, to discover new skills and interests, to give back to their communities and develop their leadership skills as the young leaders of today and tomorrow.

A special module program runs alongside the academic program to ensure a wide variety of experience and opportunity for TY students to achieve these aims. All TY students at Rockford Manor participate in the Gaisce challenge, achieve their ICDL qualification, take part in a school musical and engage with work experience. Special module workshops are organised on a weekly basis and involve everything from sign language to self defence to yoga and meditation. Students are encouraged to become involved in activities and events such as BT Young Scientist Competition, Model UN, sports coaching and to attend the many trips and visits that are organised throughout the year. Please click on the video link to see our camping trip this year (2022)

TY Trip to Lough Dan, Wicklow - September 2022


Credits are achieved throughout the year for both exam results and ongoing projects as well as participation and involvement in various modules. The credits then determine the TY certificate awarded to each student at the end of the academic year as well as other certificates achieved throughout the program from external organisations such as First Aid, the LIFT program and various other awards.

The varied and engaging TY program at Rockford Manor means that students become more confident, develop many existing and new skills, gain new friendships and are better prepared for the Leaving Certificate program, all while enjoying a fun and challenging experience.

Feb 15
Mid Term Break
Feb 26
5th Year PTM
Mar 17
Bank Holiday & School closed
Mar 20
TY PTM (inc Agency Meeting)
Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
RCN 20013073
© 2025 Rockford Manor School